Why do I know what's on BBC World? KET carrys it. While an anti-US, and especially anti-Bush, bias is there, they will cover world news when the MSM outlets (including Fox News) just don't like to do so. With the Packrat household on an antenna only, it's the best I can do under the conditions....
A Christian Bohemian Packrat shares a few of the ideas he has managed to collect over the years...
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wow, LaShawn's hit the big time
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Speaking freely
Last night, I was practicing my Hebrew alefbet, ahead of the test today (I think I did OK, thanks for asking :) ). I was trying to pronounce ח (Chet), which has a gutteral CH sound (like CH in Bach). I was mumbling "hit, no, het, no , chit, no" and so on (I have trouble with the gutterals...) until I accidentally said "sh - no".
At this point, Little Miss, who has been writing the letters too, looks at me brightly and bursts out "You mean, sh*t". Well, I turn deathly pale, and both Number 1 Son and Milady, who have been watching the Bob Dylan film on PBS, burst out laughing and can't stop. This of course encourages Little Miss (what 5 year old wouldn't like an excuse to say bad words), who says it again. And again.
I'm stuck between trying to get them quiet and to stop Miss Potty Mouth. Finally, Milady stops laughing enough to remind Little Miss that no, it isn't that word, and to stop saying it.
Somehow I didn't think studying Hebrew would be quite so adventurous.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
I'm not dead.
Grad school hasn't killed me yet, but it is close. I'm dreading the numerical analysis class homework coming either Wednesday or Friday, and I STILL haven't had enough time to just sit down and memorize the Hebrew alphabet yet. Plus, let's not forget that full-time system administrator job.
I do have one thing going for me: If I can't hack the classes, it's not Jeff H's tax dollars that will be funding my welfare checks. It's even worse. My job's funding is state-related (any more than that, and I'll blow my cover, what little there is left), so Jeff is already paying my salary! Jeff, do you think you could work on getting me a raise? ;)
The Packrat household is working on generating better habits. The little wonders are adjusting (unhappily) to a 9PM bedtime, I'm working on getting up at 5:30AM - 6AM consistently, and Milady is dealing with my extra hour a day gone. Homeschool is now consistently taking from 8AM to 2PM, so there's more time in our lives consumed. Even so, it's goes pretty well unless someone asks us to do something else, but we're having to learn to say no.
I'm trying to make the habit of a 6AM Bible Study time, so if anyone can suggest a good One Year Bible study or a Prophetic Verses daily study, I'd appreciate it. I'm also hoping I can use my Hebrew classes to grow closer to the Old Testament (especially the Prophets, where I always bog down). Then, once I get those habits going better, I should be in better connection with the Holy Spirit to start writing again.
I am not going to write much about politics or current events. Politics (and especially talk radio and 24 hour news) darkens my soul too much, and until the Lord helps me understand why, I am staying away. As for current events, I have my opinions, and I'm not sure they're much better than anyone elses'. Plus, all my Blog List authors to the right are better political writers than I am.
Instead, I'd like to write "Daily Bread" style short essays about various topics. I've tried this before, but I never seem to keep myself fed enough in the word to write well. I'm hoping to counter this.
For those brave souls still reading me, is this something that you'd read? While I want to praise the Lord, if I'm just a clanging cymbol that no one will read, then it's useless and I'll figure out something else to do.
Sunday, September 4, 2005
Thank you Huntington
Thursday, September 1, 2005
Katrina Aid
Glenn Reynolds is leading the effort to recommend donation targets. I am partial to Samaritan's Purse, since the Packrat family's been making Operation Christmas Child boxes for quite a while now. WorldVision is also mobilizing, as is the Salvation Army, and other groups listed at this FEMA site.
Please, give as you can, and more importantly, get down on your knees and pray to Almighty God for aid as well.